Journal Archive
Volume Contents
Lilia Trinca, Psycholinguistic Strategies in Language Teaching, pp. 7-16.
Abdullah Sarani, Saieed Moslemi Nezhad Arani, Learners’ Motivation and Attitude in Video-Based Listening Comprehension Classes. The case study of Iranian Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners, pp. 17-24.
Ecaterina Niculcea, Erzieherische Tendenzen im Schaffen von Karl May. Das Phänomen „Karl May“, S. 25-37.
Daniela Maria Marţole, Les provocations lexicales dans les traductions roumaines du drame «Macbeth», pp. 38-46.
Marina Tunitska, L’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement de la langue ukrainienne en VIIe classe (le thème «L’adverbe»), pp. 47-54.
Notes on Contributors, p. 55.
Volume Contents
Svitlana Luparenko, Children’s Word Creation and Speech Development, pp. 6-10.
Micaela Ţaulean, On Cultural Identity and Language Development at EFL Classes, pp. 11-20.
Angela Coşciug, De la phonétique française à sa didacticité aux apprenants roumains: cas de la méthode dite progressive, pp. 21-39.
Tatiana Kononova, Zur Effektivität der Texterschließung durch Lesestrategien im DaF-Unterricht, S. 40-53.
Lamia Boukhannouche, Modéliser à l’écrit en contexte universitaire, pp. 54-58.
Notes on Contributors, p. 59.
Volume Contents
Luiza Şoşu, Moulding a Competitive Student in the Light of E. Coseriu's Deontology, pp. 7-20.
Deborah Anyika, Le modelage d’une approche basée sur la tâche pour l’enseignement du français fondé sur les TIC dans deux universités aux pays anglophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, pp. 21-33.
Tatiana Kononova, Zur Interkulturalität im deutschen Sprachbereich auf der lexikalischen Ebene (an Hand publizistischer Texte), S. 34-44.
Lamia Boukhannouche, L’enseignement du FOU en contexte vétérinaire, pp. 45-52.
Stella Gorbani, Developing Specific Competences Using the Poetry of Robert Frost, pp. 53-62.
Notes on Contributors, p. 63.
Volume Contents
Irina Postolachi-Josan, Les approches théâtrales dans l’enseignement et l'apprentissage du FLE, pp. 9-21.
Deborah Ifeoma Anyika, Les typologies des usages des TIC par les enseignants et les apprenants de français des établissements universitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest, pp. 22-37.
Марина Туницька, Вивчення послідовного і паралельного зв’язків речень у тексті, c. 38-42.
Marina Moraru, Natura comună a artelor, p. 43-53.
Татьяна Котылевская, Жизнь и деятельность бесcарабского педагога и лингвиста Якоба Хынку (Гинкулова), c. 54-68.
Notes on Contributors, p. 69.
Volume Contents
Volume Presentation, p. 9.
Alina M. Zapalska, Alexander Waid, Learning Business Spanish with the Use of a Collaborative Exercise, pp. 11-25.
Grigore Cantemir, Mariana Vovc, Aspecte ale valorificării inteligenţelor multiple la orele de limba şi literatura română, pp. 25-43.
Marina Teterina, Discourse Analysis of the Pragmatic Usage of the Pronoun “she” referring to a Cat, pp. 43-58.
Irina Sitailo, Micaela Ţaulean, Education and Language Teaching through Video, pp. 58-65.
Ina Surujiu, Ana Şcărăbnaia, Teaching the English Modal Verbs in School, pp. 65-79.
Alina Guga-Cotea, The Evaluation Process in Education, pp. 79-82.
Oxana Ungur, Life is to be Lived, pp. 82-88.
Марина Туницька, Рецензія на підручник «Українська мова і літературне читання» для 3 класу (К. С. Кожухар, А. І. Нікітченко, А. О. Люшнівська) за редакцією доктора педагогіки К.С. Кожухар, c. 88-93.
Notes on Contributors, p. 93.
Volume Contents
Volume Presentation, p. 9.
Grigore Cantemir, Svetlana Timciuc, Formarea competenţei de cercetare la liceeni, p. 10-36.
Lamia Boukhannouche, Le français sur objectif universitaire, pp. 36-50.
Татьяна Земцова, Штефан Марджелла – просветитель, лингвист и педагог Бессарабии первой половины ХІХ-го века (1783–5.03.1850), c. 50-61.
Ina Surujiu, Edward de Bono’s Method in Teaching Reading, pp. 61-70.
Viorica Popa, Formarea şi dezvoltarea competenţelor lingvistice prin elemente de dialectologie, p. 70-84.
Mirela Dragoi, L'audio-visuel, un precieux instrument de decouverte du texte hugolien «Notre-Dame de Paris», pp. 84-90.
Notes on Contributors, p. 91.
Volume Contents
Volume Presentation, p. 11.
François Boroba N’Douba, Réflexions à propos des différences de personnalité inter-sexes, pp. 13-27.
Микаэла Цаулян, О межкультурном профессиональном общении на иностранном языке в сфере экономики (методологический аспект), c. 27-32.
Grigore Cantemir, Svetlana Timciuc, Dezvoltarea şi stimularea potenţialului creativ al elevilor la lecţiile de limba şi literatura română, p. 32-51.
Ion Guţu, Approches méthodologiques des problèmes historiques du français: les phénomènes mixtes de l’évolution phonétique, pp. 51-60.
Diana Cioinac-Şipilov, Ana Şipilov, Angela Coşciug, Développement des compétences et performances communicatives et actionnelles chez les apprenants du FLE (surtout à travers les TIC(E)), pp. 60-80.
Инна Суружиу, Применение техник кооперативного обучения на уроках чтения, c. 80-90.
Лилия Беженару, Концепция обучения иностранной терминологии с учетом профессиональной ориентации высшего учебного заведения, c. 90-105.
Viorica Cornea, Quelle grammaire enseigner pour former chez les étudiants la compétence d’expression orale?, pp. 105-111.
Marina Gorodenco, Tehnici de predare a articulării sunetelor compuse ale limbii engleze, p. 111-122.
Lina Moroşan, Lidia Popov, Octavian Cozniuc, Angela Coşciug, Les technologies d’information et de communication - un support efficace dans l’apprentissage de la langue française, pp. 122-130.
Oxana Ungur, On Cultural Diversity in EFL Classes, pp. 130-138.
Notes for Contributors, p. 143-144.
Volume Contents
Presentation, p. 9.
MarinaTuniţchi, The Peculiarities of Teaching Ukrainian in Primary Schools in the Republic of Moldova (on the basis of the analysis of curricula and suport materials), pp. 11-16.
Angela Coşciug, Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching and Learning French to the Second Year Pupils in Republic of Moldova, pp. 17-20.
Natalia Botezat, Educational Psychology vs Didactics, pp. 21-29.
Irina Sitailo, Developing Cultural Values through Extra-Curricular activities at all Levels, pp. 30-37.
Stella Gorbani, Roxolana Galiţ, Ways of Teaching Irregular Verbs at the Lesson of English, pp. 38-44.
Ecaterina Niculcea, Didactic Projet of the Seminar «Literary Works and their Screen Versions, pp. 45-62.
Notes for Contributors, p. 63.
Volume Contents
Hagar Khalil-Akil, The Contribution of Tutoring and the Learning Role in a Variety of Internet-based Assignments: Display of the Research Results Conducted in the Field in Egypt to Improve the Acquisition of French as a Second Language by Egyption Speakers of Arabic – a Research-action Stage, pp. 10-26.
Sohel Ahmed Chowdhury, Sawsan Tarannum, Speaking Skills: Teaching and Learning, pp. 27-34.
Grigore Cantemir, Mariana Vovc, New Active Strategies in Developing Pupils’ Communicative Skills, pp. 35-47.
Angela Coşciug, Felicia Lupaşcu, The Use of Internet in Training Novice Translators from French into Romanian, pp. 48-54.
Ivan Smirnov, Vitalie Prisacaru, Linguistic and Didactic Studies of French Lexical Borrowings in Romanian, pp.55-68.
Lidia Ciolacu, CITs in Teaching Foreign Languages, pp. 69-75.
Notes on Contributors, pp. 76-77.
New Books, p. 78.
Volume Contents
Hagar Khalil-Akil, Internet et l’approche par taches: quel apport pour l’acquisition d’une langue seconde ou étrangere (L2)?, pp. 9-18.
Svetlana Timciuc, Grigore Cantemir, Tradiţie şi performanţă în procesul de îmbogăţire şi activizare a lexicului elevilor din clasele de gimnaziu, p. 19-31.
Micaela Ţaulean, On Foreign Language Teaching with Intercultural Perspective, pp. 32-36.
Angela Coşciug, Grigore Cantemir, Internet à l’usage des enseignants et des apprenants du FLE de la République de Moldova, p. 37-41.
Екатерина Никулча, Методическая разработка семинара «Взаимодействие художественного вымысла и действительности» (курс «Всемирная литература»), c. 42-60.
Notes on Contributors, p. 61.
New Books, p. 62.
Reviews, p. 64.
Announcements, p. 66.